Business Lunch Delivered

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To the right are the main details to include.

  • Menu Code
  • Number Covers
  • Date & Time for Delivery
  • Special Dietary Required
  • Additions

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Food at Work

Business lunches & breakfasts delivered to your work place Monday to Friday

A selection of sandwiches

Lunch Boxes / Sandwich Buffets / Executive Buffets / Breakfasts 

We have two ranges of menus: Standard Menus & Executive Menus.

Within each range, we do breakfasts and lunches, packed either individually or as a buffet.

To order you can use our website enquiry form (top right) or send us a normal email. 

We deliver to your work place in time for your function and all food is ready to eat. 

Afterwards, all the packaging is recyclable and most of it is biodegradable. 


Find Out More About

Standard Menus

>  A range of sandwiches and buffet foods which can be served individually or as a buffet.

>  For everyday use, training sessions, staff meetings, office parties, general office lunches, visitors, client meetings, etc.

>  The food comes in biodegradable card boxes with a clear window and all food products are individually wrapped and clearly labelled.

>  All special diets catered for.

>  Choose individual meals for greater social distancing or buffet for greater choice. 


Executive Menus

>  A superior range of sandwich and buffet food menus for the boardroom & executive requirements.

>  For board meetings, VIPs, management meetings, company presentations & special events.

>  The food comes on presentation platters with clear lids.

>  All special diets catered for.

>  Choose individual meals for greater social distancing or buffet for greater choice.

Ordering Guide

 > A selection of guides to help you order and inform you of everything you need to know.

" Thank you for a delicious lunch yesterday. It was very well presented with individually wrapped portions and the fruit cups were particularly nice! Newbury 21/07/22 "